MLB All Star Game Fan Fest in San Diego

| Filed under Synthetic Turf International News.

STI San Diego, an exclusive Synthetic Turf International dealer, recently installed Trainer’s Choice and Pro Ball Turf for the MLB All-Star Game Fanfest in San Diego.  This project consisted of four separate synthetic turf attractions.  Three of the attractions are located inside of the San Diego Convention Center consisting of a Home Run Derby setup,…


Final Cut Synthetic Turf Does Baseball

| Filed under Synthetic Turf International News.

This week’s featured application comes from Final Cut Synthetic Turf in Twin Falls, ID. Many of their May projects contained baseball halos and even a batting cage featuring STI products Ultimate World Series and Sports Turf XP-250 Capital High School, Boise, ID: Final Cut installed their home plate halo and pitcher’s mound halo a couple…


Featured Application: HOA in California

| Filed under Synthetic Turf International News.

  This week’s featured application comes from Keith Thykeson (PGA) with Pioneer Synthetic Turf in Thousand Oaks, California.   Keith and his installer, Chris Zeilinger, installed a synthetic lawn and putting green in the client’s backyard about eight years ago, and after following up with the client to see if they needed any maintenance to…


STI Introduces Eight New Products

| Filed under Synthetic Turf International News.

The driving force behind creating and determining new products is easily our desire to provide our dealers and customers the highest quality product we can. Simply put, we wanted to take our existing products and apply different yarns, colors and thatches to create a line of new products that were customer exclusives for STI. With...


2016 STI Dealer Conference

| Filed under Dealer Conference, Synthetic Turf International News.

Synthetic Turf International hosts its annual dealer conference each year, just before the start of the season.  The conference provides STI the opportunity to have its distributors in one place for networking and educational seminars.  It is a great time for our dealers to learn from one another.   The 2015 STI Dealer Conference was…


City of Refuge Partners with STC and STI

| Filed under Synthetic Turf International News.

STI was honored to provide synthetic turf to the City of Refuge through the Synthetic Turf Council. The turf went into their new playground and gym allowing kids in the community a safe and fun place to play. The City of Refuge is a non-profit organization dedicated to community development efforts that lead to the…


STI Featured Application: Hawaii, Rory D. Otto

| Filed under Synthetic Turf International News.

This weeks Featured Application comes to us from Rory D. Otto of NyLawn located in Honolulu, Hawaii. Both of the playgrounds featured are with the Hawaii Dept. of Education Public Schools. The multi-colored playground is Ala Wai Elementary utilizing the SoftLawn EZ Play®, in colors Green and Blue with a combination of Poured in Place…


Featured Application: Central Coast Playgrounds

| Filed under Synthetic Turf International News.

This week’s featured application comes to us from Steve Strachan of Central Coast Playgrounds. The project was for Peoples Self Help, a Non Profit affordable housing company and this site was located in Casa De Las Flores in Carpinteria, Calif. According to Steve, “We have been doing their playground/site furnishings for almost 15 years now. Two…


STI Featured Application: NP55 of STI Canada

| Filed under Synthetic Turf International News.

This week’s STI Featured Application comes to us from Scott Smockum of Synthetic Turf International of West Kelowna, BC. The featured product was a 15’x25’ of NP55 in Olive with 600sq.ft of EZPlay® surrounding it.  For golfers this a perfect turf for actually replicating real grass and a great practice combo. Again the product was…


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