STI becomes a Golf Paradise on DIY Lake Life!

| Filed under Putting Greens & Golf.

Tuesday May 26th the show Lake Life on the DIY Network will feature Synthetic turf Internationals NP55 and SoftLawn® Bluegrass Blend turf on their Golf Paradise episode. Believe it or not, the show will feature a motorized putting green that can only be described as a fishing and golf paradise. The green was affixed onto…


STI Featured Application: Vida Fitness Penthouse Pool and Lounge

| Filed under STI Featured Applications.

STI Greater Maryland Vida Fitness Penthouse Pool and Lounge in Washington, D.C.    This week’s featured application comes to us from STI Dealer Peter Albanes of Albanes Landscaping/ STI Greater Maryland. The project was for Vida Fitness Penthouse Pool and Lounge of Washington, D.C. Peter and his crew recently installed Synthetic Turf International’s SoftLawn® Select on…


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