There are many obstacles when owning a home and maintaining it. Below are some the things you may face when caring for your synthetic lawn and how to deal with them.
When cleaning water-borne stains from your synthetic turf be sure to use a mild soap with a PH level between 6.7 to 7.3. A granular household detergent is a good example of that type of soap. Use a stiff fiber brush (no metal) to scrub the affected area. Rinse thoroughly. If you’re using a pressure washer be sure that it is <2400 psi and the nozzle should always be at least 12-18 inches away from the turf.
Examples of water borne stains;
- Ice Cream
- Latex Paint
- Juice
- Milk
Fungus, Mold Spots or Moss
The following instructions are provided to assist you if you ever need help with the removal of fungus, mold spots or moss from your turf. Like many other products that are outdoors and come into contact with the elements, your turf may at some point develop bacterial growth. If that does happen the following tips will help eliminate the issue.
- Use TurfStat™ PRO, a synthetic turf disinfectant is proven to kill germs on non-porous surfaces such as plastic (polystyrene, polypropylene), vinyl, fiberglass, non-porous rubber and washable synthetic fibers, at a rate of 1 part concentrate to 11 parts water and spray the area fully.
- Do NOT use high pressure water spray with stream force in excess of 2500 PSI as this can severely damage the turf.
- TurfStat™ PRO is an EPA registered disinfectant, MR. Clean and Vital Oxide Perform as needed but has not been EPA approved.
- Simple Green is another product that can be used as long as it is the bleach free formula.
As always please contact us if you have any questions or concerns before starting your next project.
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