STI Featured Application: STI Monterey Bay completes Carmel High School Amphitheatre in Carmel, California
Ian Paton and the folks at STI Monterey Bay recently completed this stunning application, the Carmel High School Amphitheatre in Carmel, California, near Monterey Bay.
The school uses the space as a place where students can congregate during lunch and between classes. School dances are also held there from time to time, in addition to any public performances that will scheduled for the amphitheatre.
It’s a great way to help maintain a green space for social activities for the students, while remaining committed to water conservation. And, there’s no maintenance required for the difficult to mow area.
It’s a win-win for Carmel High School.
Visit our application page for more information, browse our gallery for ideas and contact Synthetic Turf International to Experience A Greener World and a maintenance free lawn and landscape.
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