Synthetic Turf Installation in Canada
Synthetic Turf International dealer STI Canada Scott Smockum recently installed a number of STI products at the Galt Country Club including Synthetic Turf International’s EZTee® and SoftLawn® Bluegrass Blend.
Galt Country Club Install by STI Canada
From its humble beginnings as a private nine-hole golf club in 1906, the Galt Country Club has quietly developed a strong tradition as one of the premier private clubs in Southwestern Ontario. It has served the residents of the former towns of Galt, Preston, Hespeler, Berlin, and Waterloo, through its expansion to 18 holes in 1930.
STI’s products will be used on the course as trim and for hitting mats.

EZTee® can be installed over natural base or concrete and is appropriate for tee lines, hitting mats, tee boxes, and any practice facility. This innovative synthetic turf system gives your tee lines the feel of a natural hitting surface. In addition, EZTee® permits continuous, year round use and providing a location for players to hit while the natural practice area heals.
About SoftLawn® Bluegrass Blend
SoftLawn® Bluegrass Blend is an excellent landscape product, with a thatch layer for added body, reducing the amount of infill needed. The four-color blend of this product provides an authentic look and feel that resembles a natural lawn. Bluegrass Blend can be used for landscapes, putting green fringes, playgrounds and pet areas.
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