STI Dream Putting Green

This week’s STI Featured Application comes to us from Scott Smockum of Synthetic Turf International of West Kelowna, BC. The featured product was composed of  tour shot, with shock pad, EZplay® fringe, stacked sod wall bunkers, STI Bunker turf, and SoftLawn® select rough and surrounds.

This was such a large project that that it helps to provide the actual specifications for each product.


Total Sqft =

7,270 sq.ft STI Tour Shot

2,970 sq.ft EZ Play®

6,250 sq.ft SoftLawn® Select

1,110 sq.ft Bunker turf

648 sq.ft EZ Tee® Hybrid Plus

For a grand total… 17,600 sq.ft green and 648sq.ft of EZ Tee®.

The combinations made for an exceptional finished product with picturesque views that would rival any golfer’s wildest dreams.



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