Synthetic Turf International offers Cooperative Purchasing Program through Sourcewell
Since 2014, Synthetic Turf International (STI) has held an Awarded Contract with a procurement company known as Sourcewell. Formerly known as the National Joint Powers Alliance (NJPA), Sourcewell helps save time and money for commercial projects through a cooperative purchasing program.
Cooperative Purchasing saves purchasers time by satisfying the bid process, and in many cases purchasers are already members of the program. The program saves purchasers money by offering better pricing, less time is spent reviewing bids and it combines the purchasing power of more than 50,000 organizations.
Contracts through Sourcewell cover a wide variety of products and services, such as administrative services, construction equipment, office technology and, of course, athletic and playground surfacing. That’s where synthetic turf come in. STI has gone through the bid process already through their Awarded Contract with Sourcewell.
Cooperative Purchasing
In the cooperative purchasing process, procurement is conducted by, or on behalf of, the purchaser. Sourcewell’s process is constantly being refined to best serve their member’s needs. This allows Sourcewell to offer great products from nationally acclaimed vendors, like STI. The procurement team takes care of the entire solication process, whether it’s a Request for Proposal (RFP) or General Purchases and invitations to bid on various construction contracting.
The first step in the process is to become a member of Sourcewell. There is a good chance that you’re already a member. In many instances, for example, municipalities are members for the procurement of office supplies or landscaping equipment. The next step is to find a vendor contract. Sourcewell has awarded hundreds of contracts to vendors across the US. These contracts are easily searchable in their database by either product type or by state and county contract. After that, it’s as easy as selecting a vendor.
STI has one year left on their existing contract, and the renewal process is already underway.
Visit our application page for more information, browse our gallery for ideas and contact STI to Experience A Greener World.
Bill Hillstrom
How do i become a Sourcewell member?