Featured Application: Multi-purpose landscape-putting green installed by STI of Tampa Bay in the Tierra Verde section of Tampa This week’s Featured Application comes to us from our friends with STI of Tampa Bay. Fritz Hofmeister and his team installed this beautiful backyard multi-purpose landscape-putting green recently with amazing results. The homeowner called Fritz, interested in…
Cooperative Purchasing Program Available Through Sourcewell, Formerly NJPA
Synthetic Turf International offers Cooperative Purchasing Program through Sourcewell Since 2014, Synthetic Turf International (STI) has held an Awarded Contract with a procurement company known as Sourcewell. Formerly known as the National Joint Powers Alliance (NJPA), Sourcewell helps save time and money for commercial projects through a cooperative purchasing program. Cooperative Purchasing saves purchasers time…
Nylawn Installs Pickleball and Bocce Court for Hawaii Homeowner
Featured Application: Synthetic turf pickleball and bocce court installation at a private residence in Hawaii This week’s Featured Application comes to us from the island of Oahu. Rory Otto and his team with Nylawn installed this Pickleball and Bocce court for a homeowner in Kahuku, Hawaii. Kahuku is a town on the northern side of…
Getting a Green, Lush Lawn Without Harmful Chemicals Is a Breeze With Synthetic Turf International
Synthetic Turf International (STI) can help you get a green, lush lawn without maintenance and pesticides Almost everyone would like to have a naturally green, lush lawn, but a lot of work goes into keeping perfect. If you have a natural grass lawn, you know what goes into making and keeping it perfect. Aside…
Replica 12th Green at Augusta for Minnesota Homeowner
Featured Application: This Replica of the 12th Green at Augusta, Courtesy of Task Masters in Minnesota This week’s Featured Application comes to us from Task Masters in Minnesota. Chris Deanovic and his team designed and installed this beautiful replica of the 12th green at Augusta National for a homeowner in Dayton, Minnesota. The project was…
Residential Putting Green Replacement from STI Great Lakes
Featured Application: Residential Putting Green Replacement in Plymouth, Michigan, Thanks to STI Great Lakes This week’s Featured Application comes to us from the Great Lakes State. Jim Petrarca with STI Great Lakes installed this beautiful residential putting green replacement in Plymouth, Michigan in the southeastern part of the state. Jim designed this putting green for…
World Long Drive Championship Brings About the Conclusion of the World Long Drive Season
The World Long Drive Championship in Thackerville, Oklahoma brings about the end of the World Long Drive Tour that began in April in Arizona. It’s been one heckuva season for the World Long Drive Tour. And it all comes down to the next few days for 150 men and women who’ve set their sights on…
STI Introduces the New Facility Designer Feature
Facility Designer Earlier this year, Synthetic Turf International (STI) unveiled a new feature to their website, the Facility Designer. This feature allows site visitors to design an indoor training facility and get a basic CAD drawing right away. The Facility Designer can be used by end users such as gym owners, schools, municipalities or flooring…
Following Up with Oakland Hills Country Club on Their EZTee Tee Line System
Back in 2016, we featured the tee line at Oakland Hills Country Club in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan. Jeff Lazaros, owner of Michigan Synthetic Turf Solutions in St. John’s, Michigan, installed our EZTee® Poly synthetic tee line at Oakland Hills. Oakland Hills hosted the 2016 U.S. Amateur later that summer. EZTee® Poly is designed specifically for…
Holiday Park Pitch Putt Course in Kelowna, British Columbia Is Reborn
Featured Application: Holiday Park Pitch Putt in Kelowna, British Columbia Is Reborn, Courtesy of STI Kelowna The next time you fly into Kelowna, British Columbia take a look out your window and admire the beautiful, postcard-like views…and the Holiday Park Resort’s brand new six hole golf course. The course is over 40 years old, and…