This weeks featured application comes from STI dealer Mike Gismondi who installed over 10,000 square feet of SoftLawn® Kentucky Blue Plus at the U.S. Open Tennis Center.
STI’s signature lawn and landscape synthetic turf, SoftLawn®, gives you the beautiful,
low-maintenance synthetic lawn of your dreams. Lush and lifelike, the synthetic surface utilizes a
soft polyethylene, UV protected synthetic fiber to produce a realistic “fresh cut” appearance,
combined with a soft, pleasing feel.
SoftLawn® Kentucky Blue Plus is an excellent landscape product, with a thatch layer for added
body. The two color blend of this product provides an authentic look and feel that
resembles a natural lawn. Kentucky Blue Plus can be used for landscapes, putting green fringes
and playgrounds.
- Requires no water
- Virtually maintenance-free
- Fresh cut appearance
- Needs no chemicals or fertilizer
- Never needs mowing or insecticides
- Easy to clean – Unlike mulch and shredded rubber
- ADA/ABA compliant – Crutches won’t sink in and wheelchairs roll
- Safety – No more buried glass or other harmful objects
- Lead Free
- Provides excellent drainage
- Recyclable components
- Does not support stain or odor causing bacteria, mold or mildew
As always if you liked this synthetic turf installation at the U.S. Open Tennis Center, you can visit our application page for more information, browse our gallery for ideas and contact Synthetic Turf International to Experience A Greener World.
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