STI Featured Application: NP55 of STI Canada

| Filed under Synthetic Turf International News.

This week’s STI Featured Application comes to us from Scott Smockum of Synthetic Turf International of West Kelowna, BC. The featured product was a 15’x25’ of NP55 in Olive with 600sq.ft of EZPlay® surrounding it.  For golfers this a perfect turf for actually replicating real grass and a great practice combo. Again the product was…


STI becomes a Golf Paradise on DIY Lake Life!

| Filed under Putting Greens & Golf.

Tuesday May 26th the show Lake Life on the DIY Network will feature Synthetic turf Internationals NP55 and SoftLawn® Bluegrass Blend turf on their Golf Paradise episode. Believe it or not, the show will feature a motorized putting green that can only be described as a fishing and golf paradise. The green was affixed onto…


Synthetic Turf International Represents the Synthetic Turf Council at the 2013 Fall Whistle Stop Seminar

| Filed under Synthetic Turf Council, Synthetic Turf International.

The 2013 Fall Membership Meeting and Whistle Stop Seminar marked an extraordinary milestone for all of those involved with the Synthetic Turf Council.  This special occasion corresponded with the Synthetic Turf Council’s 10th anniversary, and Synthetic Turf International was happy to be a part of the celebration and many years of accomplishments achieved by the…


Synthetic Turf International Participates in Southern Living Showcase Home

| Filed under Synthetic Turf International, Putting Greens & Golf, Lawn & Landscape.

If you were building the home of your dreams, shouldn’t the backyard be just as fantastic? That’s certainly what award-winning Dillard-Jones Builders LLC, thought in constructing the 2013 Southern Living Showcase Home at Currahee Club in Lake Hartwell, South Carolina. One of the points of distinction of the gorgeous 4,000-square-foot home overlooking Hole #17 on…


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